Guilded notifications stay enabled after leaving group

Reproduction steps:

  1. Go to a group which is using the Guilded announcements feature.
  2. Enable notifications on said group (this will force you into the group if you are not already a member)
  3. Leave the group, observe that the notifications icon is still filled in; displaying that you are still opted in for notifications. This persists after refreshes.
  4. Attempt to find the group on the notification settings page. You will be unable to find the group as you are no longer a member of the group. Hence, you are unable to “opt-out” of notifications without going directly to the group-page and there is no way for you to surface groups which you may have left on notifications for.

Note: I am unaware if notifications are still received even if you have left the group but are still opted-in, it is very possible that you are functionally opted-out and won’t receive notifications; albeit even if so, this is still a bug.

Expected behavior

I expect to either automatically have my notifications for said group disabled upon leaving the group or I expect to be able to view the group on the notification settings page. If my notifications are to be disabled upon leaving, I would expect a warning about this as it also isn’t very clear that notifications are tied to group membership in the first-place.

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Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.