GuiObject.MouseEnter not working with objects inside of my scrolling frames

Hello my friends

I have a function that is printing all the descendants of a particular ScreenGui when you enter it with the mouse. I have tried changing the ZIndex so that the ScrollingFrame’s elements are on top but to no avail. It will simply not print the elements inside of the ScrollingFrame.

For context, the ScrollingFrame is called InvContainer and the elements inside are called ItemElement.

GIF to the output

I’ve tried changing the ZIndex, making sure all UI elements are active, etc. Anyone know what’s up?

local MID = inv:GetDescendants()
local curUIE = nil

for _, uie in pairs(MID) do
	if not uie:IsA("GuiObject") then return end

Can I see your script please? I can help you find the error in it if there is one.

Oops sorry forgot to add it one sec