GuiObjects sometimes extend past DeviceSafeInsets when not enabled

Sorry if the wording is bad, it’s really weird to try and put the issue into words.

Here’s an example of the issue:

(Sorry if its a little hard to see)

I’m going to do my best trying to describe the issue.

I took this screenshot from my phone, where it has DeviceSafeInsets on both the left and right, meaning no GUI should go past that point unless the ScreenInsets on a ScreenGui is to set none.

Now, you can see there IS a piece of GUI past that point, it is the static. This part is beneficial to me, even though it is unintended.

Now the second thing, it’s a bit hard to see, but there’s a slightly transparent line towards the bottom of the screen. The size of this object is {1, 0, 0.044,0}, while the static is {1,0,1,0}.

The issue is, how come the static extends past the DeviceSafeInsets, while the other image is limited (as it should be).

The image of Freddy is also sized {1,01,0}, but it isn’t panning across the ENTIRE screen. How is this determined?

Is there a way to fix this? How could I utilize it?

Setting a frame, or an image to fill the entire screen(1,0,1,0) makes it actually fill the entire screen. If you put it slightly offset

it would not be considered a full screen.

So if you don’t want it to extend past DeviceSafeInsets then try to resize the UI slightly smaller.