GUI'S and Camera Manipulation question


Hello developers! Yes it’s me, ZeronN_Me, it’s being a while that I created my last post, and I’m here about another GUI question (actually more than one).

The Questions

So let’s get to the point, here is a series of questions, I thank you for any support in them!

  1. How to do a rotate camera manipulation?

  2. How to do it with the click of a button (GUI) this camera disappears?

  3. If the camera manipulation is a region, can I make that region move with the button or does it disappear?

With said, I appreciate any feedback!

  1. For rotating u can use CFrame.Angles()
  2. Just do game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = “Custom”
  3. Idk
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What do you mean by this? I don’t really understand!

@Bloxrrey and @nuttela_for1me, Sorry if that question was a little confusing, but, we have the super bomb survival camera for example.