Hello, my issue is that the gui position keeps changing even with scale and using Autoscale, this has been happening for very long and it has annoyed me too much. This makes it too hard to edit guis for me. This is whats happening:
Guis are positioned relative(or constant) to the anchor point that is relative to the frame. The anchor point is where the “Position” value is relative to the ViewportSize(or screen size). When you move your “Windows”(or more known as Docks), the VeiwportSize changes(screen gets bigger/smaller), resulting in the positions changing.
Notice how there is a property called Position in a Gui element, position is determined by how big your screen is. Changing the screen size changes the position of the UI.
If you take a GUI that is a certain size and anchor it at a position, but don’t change the scale it’ll do that.
This explains the size and scale properties of GUIs: