Gui's not getting in the correct position

While making my game i had a run in with your local newbie gui maker’s everyday issue.

Ingame… GUIS???
Now i know, i know its scary, but for some reason my game, even when using the almighty “AutoScale Lite” which is MEANT to make the game look better, gui wise, although it fixed the scale, not the pos.


Set the .AnchorPoint to .5,.5, then move the GUI to something like 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0 (Keep the first value always 0.5so it’s in the middle, you can change the 3rd value as well).

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maybe also use a plugin for “ui aspect ratio constraint” because it would also probably help…

You should familiarise yourself with the differences between Scale and Offset when making GUIs. The Scale refers to a fraction of the screen-size (no matter what size screen or window is being used), and the Offset refers to pixels. Once you understand those differences, you can optimise your UIs to scale and position properly on different size and aspect ratio screens.

Some other things to keep in your back pocket are Anchor Points as @KJry_s mentioned, which allow the positioning and scaling of UI elements to pivot around a specified point.

The other thing that can be quite handy when making UIs is the UIAspectRatioConstraint, which can be used for images and other things that you want to keep a certain size ratio (between the X size and the Y size) without using Offset.

With that knowledge, you can size and position things pretty much however you want, and with a bit of practice you can start making some nice UIs. In the meantime I recommend playing around and using some trial-and-error.

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