GUI's not showing right?

Hello all!
I have been having problems putting gui’s together. I press the device toggle button to set up my gui’s. I usually press the Average laptop option to see how gui’s would look in game. everything looks good right?

But when i go into the actual game the gui looks like this:

That doesn’t look right at all! does anyone have a way to fix this, or have a different strategy to arrange GUI?

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Please include more detail, such as the sizing and positions you’re using on these Guis.

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It’s because of Roblox studios things to build and stuff at the top on the sides and the bottom that affects the GUI that’s why it happens.

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I’m not going to put every coordinate and size number of every GUI

no, it shouldn’t change. i already tried that.

Why not? Why does it matter? You asked for help, and yet refuse to give any information.

Also, @colbert2677 meant that you just give away the positions of the GUI’s that aren’t in place.

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You need to scale the GUI, there are a couple of plugins that can help you if you search for plugins.

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If you want to put it in the middle of the screen, make the frame with all GUI elements:
AnchorPoint 0.5, 0.5
Position {0.5, 0, [your current size]}

thanks everyone for your help!