GumGumHTP renders/GFXs

Which is better?

I tried to do a three-point lighting setup with a rim/backlight, a fill light and a krey light
Did I do it well?

Also does anyone know a way to make a HDRI more…dynamic? instead of a stark background?
I wanted different patches of the space background to have different strengths of light, so I connected a normal map between the .hdr image and the Strength value of the world texture thing.
But i don’t think it worked.

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i’m not sure what HDRI means since i’m not super knowledgeable about 3d rendering programs, but if you want i can give some feedback
i like the second image more since it goes from black to blue, similar to a gradient. however that does make the character seem a bit off-center, so i would consider centering it or something.
i think the lighting on the character looks nice, but it doesn’t match the background completely. i think having some sort of blues reflected onto the character would help, making them really feel like they’re there. perhaps have a blue glow from the bottom/bottom right if you go with the second image’s background?