Gun Animation | FPS (PART 2)

So I made a previous post on an M4A4 Animation I made
(Gun Animation | FPS)

And have now made a part 2 including the feedback I received.

I have pushed the gun more to the right as I have done some research on FPS Animations and how players needs space to see in the middle of the screen.

I have also added a bolting back system and made the gun movements correlate more fluidly and make more sense. I’ve also changed the left arm up a bit.

Please leave some feedback below and let me know how I can further improve! :smile:

(Day 9 into Blender Animations)


That’s pretty good for only 9 days into animating in blender (it’s good regardless). There is only one suggestion I have, when it goes back into the idle position make it shake/wiggle a tiny bit.


wow not bad for only nine days however one thing I noticed is when a when you reload the player can’t see to his right here’s a video of what I’m referencing.

it’s very useful and I learned a lot from this video.


Thanks so much for sending me a useful video!

This will definitely help :slight_smile: