Gun Builder For Hire

Hi, I’m Theta0, and I am an experienced gun builder for hire

About me:

  • I have been focusing on firearm construction since mid 2012
  • I am the former CEO/Owner of Heckler and Koch, the largest and most prominent guild of Gun Builders on
  • Currently College Sophomore, building guns to waste my free time away
  • Just finished work with Gusmanak on Apocalypse Rising 2’s melee weapons

Previous work made from Fall 2015 to Fall 2016

If you got any questions, feel free to private message me here on these forums, post something on this thread, or message me on at Theta0



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Protip: Put some pictures in your post!

I think we actually worked together on a prototype once (my username was Rukiryo back then). Guns were nice, shame I got too busy to keep up :frowning:


Will do when I get back from class!