Hi im a newbie roblox developer, and im working on a survival game.
i wanted to make my own gun, but i have issue on it.
i’ve made the gun model and added gun script on it by watching youtube, but i have issue.
the gun bullet raycstacing thing doesn’t came out from the gun’s muzzle, but instead it shoot from the ground where i put the bullet model.
/ \ in the youtube video, im supposed to place the Bullet on server storage and Shoot in front of the gun’s muzzle in the gun tool. as you can see the Shoot part is in front of the gun’s muzzle.
he means you should confirm that the shoot part is properly welded to the handle, you can quickly check by making the shoot part visible temporarily and seeing if it correctly follows the tool or if it just stays where it is where you put it
to 0 and play test to make sure that the part is still on the gun. I suspect this might be the issue because the code should work. Alternativly you can replace this part with an Attachment and use the property WorldPosition instead of position