Gun Fever | Game Icons Feedback

Hey mates! I’ve just finished up two versions of icons for an up & coming game of mine. To answer your questions, this game is a semi-unique FPS.

At this point, I’m left deciding which one is better.


Which do you prefer? Any critiques? Any suggestions? The first is a semi-common type of thumbnail for FPS games, while the second is more original, but with more happening.

Which do you prefer?

  • Icon 1
  • Icon 2

0 voters

I appreciate any and all feedback, whether positive or constructive. Thanks :sparkling_heart:


i think the first one is very cool and i think it’s better!

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Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. :sparkling_heart:

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The second one it’s definitely more unique and would make the game look more unique and less like a cash grab, if you get what I mean. Although I see why people like more the first, it really draws your attention.

I am not an artist though, I’m just saying what would draw my attention more and what would look more unique to me as a potential player.


Thanks for your feedback! I think I’ll be going with option 2 for now :slight_smile:

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I’m liking the second one it’s really cool!