Gun Fire Animation

I’m animating a Glock-19 to fire. The arms fly up and the gun rack kicks back to simulate the kick back of an actual gun. Everything works fine in the animator, but in-game the gun rack doesn’t budge. There’s no part named handle in the gun so there’s no right grip that appears in-game. I also have a script that adds in a motor6d to the players right hand which is what the gun attaches to.

Here is how I rigged the gun up:

Here is the animation in the animation editor:

Here is the animation in-game:

Change the gun’s fire animation priority to be higher than the gun’s idle animation. An alternate method would be to stop the gun’s idle animation while the fire animation is playing.

I’ve tried both of those. Set the firing animation all the way to Action 4 and stopped the idle animation in between firing. Nothing.

Make sure you didn’t accidently weld it twice.

Yep, I checked that too. Saw that it was infact welded twice so I removed the weld but it still wasn’t working, so I rewelded everything just to make sure but nothing still.

I solved it by animating it with the motor6d connected to the torso, but in studio I still add the motor6d to the right hand and it still works. Anybody know why this works?