Gun from roblox in Blender thoughts?

Technically the same as my old post, But it is in blender with more lighting and effects, Any ideas for the lighting and effects? I also fixed the thing moving weird on the bottom!
I inserted it from roblox into blender, If you didnt know.

Anyway I can make it better in blender?

I couldnt get the render image to go on my files for some reason so I had to take an snip.

It is good though right?
Feedback would be great!

that doesn’t look like a gun at all, its too cubey, textures are weird, and yea

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It’s an cubey gun, It’s like an ice plasma gun, or something You hold it with 2 hands.
It is not completed by the way, It was an model from roblox studio the blue thing is the engery storer where it sends out the ice/plasma, Thanks though.

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