Gun Model Feedback [Second Gun]

Thank you all for the feedback :smiley: I am going to close the post now.

This gun model is a Deagle. In one of my other post I made a Glock and I was told to add more detail. This is the Second model l made and I feel like it’s still too plain? Now I am not going for a crazy detailed look but I want to keep it simple and add a little bit more.

For the Second Photo, should I add what I circled?



I like it so far! I think you should add what you circled. Otherwise, it looks nice!


Personally, I’d add what you’ve circled and some other details like the circular part on the handle. But it really depends for the style of game e.g using different textures for scratches/grime.


I’d round off the handle a bit. The trigger guard is also too wide.

Actually, overall the model looks like a thick board of wood that you cut around with a saw and painted. Not trying to insult you, but that’s probably what others have meant when they told you to add more detail.


Bevel em’ up, this will make model less like a basic shape.
And yes, definitely add the circled parts.

Overall, this model can easily pass as a low-poly weapon with flying stars.

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Honestly, your gun looks good, though in the image you circles two things that require feedback.
First of all I would recommend you to add this design for your top part of the gun.


You shouldn’t add the other design though because I don’t see it very much pleasing to the appearance of the gun.

Overall, I find your work to be incredible and hope you use it as a tool in-game.

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I would recommend adding it. In order to get a curved surface I would enable smoothening CSG which is currently a beta feature so you’d need to find it in settings, then go to the properties of the model and you can configure it further there, it would definitely make the gun look more realistic.

I think it looks great! Adding the things you circled would make it look a lot more detailed. Great job overall :+1:

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It’s a pretty good model! Here are some suggestions.


First, I think you should add this little separation on the front of the gun, since it’s part of the slide and moves back when fired. It’s a unique little thing the Deagle has, and I think you should add it.


Also, if I’m seeing correctly in your build, the front sight is too wide, when it should just be a small, thin wing.

Other than that, it’s pretty good!

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