Gun projectiles aren't rendering at the gunsbarrel if they're moving too fast

So im currently developing a shooting system where I create the bullets clientsided to improve the shooting feeling.
My only problem I got rn is that the bullets are not rendering at the spawnpoint because they’re moving to fast.
If I lower the bulletspead they are visible at the excact point where I want them.
But ofc you don’t want slow shooting projectiles.
The bullet is visible at the Arrowpoint, not from the actually gun barrel.

For the shooting, I am creating a part with 2 attachments and a Trail to get that nice projectile look. Can I somehow improve this so it’s always visible at the gunbarrel and not like 5 studs after?

If you need some more information from me, let me know! :))

Thanks for helping

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i assume you are casting the bullet only via a serverscript, you generally don’t want to do that if you’re going for visuals, what you can do is a client-server-client configuration in which the server will cast an invisible projectile (which acts as hit-detection) and first all clients the “Actual” projectile which will act as visuals

If you would read my post correctly you would’ve read that everything is made clientsided.
All visualls are clientsided and still delay in appearance if the bullet is moving to fast.

oh right, in that case you just have to cast it a bit further back than it actually is

This will definitly not fix my problem.
Anyways, I’ll close this topic now because I’ve quit that.

just multiply the starting cframe by,0,1) and the offset should fix it.

If not just play around with 1