I would like a coder that is really good at coding/animating a gun system to join my Star Wars FPS team. This will be a Player vs Player first person shooter based on star wars.
Pay will be % from the game’s profit - looking at around 35%.
If you are interested, contact me via skype! technokobe
We got a gun system, but we need someone to help enhance it.
ScriptOn is a cool dude man. He has/is worked/working on teams with various people including Stickmasterluke, TheInnovative & TigerCaptain. I would expect him to be a good teammate if I were to work with him.
ScriptOn is a cool dude man. He has/is worked/working on teams with various people including Stickmasterluke, TheInnovative & TigerCaptain. I would expect him to be a good teammate if I were to work with him. :P[/quote]
Just guessing, but it sounds like Cease has had personal experience from him, and lessons have been learned that people aren’t always what they seem like on the outside, so it’s hard to tell sometimes, and I would like to see someone with personal experience disagree with him, instead of just speculation
What I meant by this is usually with business you want to put all personal matters aside unless they are used as a reasoning for something related to the project. That’s how I am at least. I’m more concerned about the project than my own humor or personal feelings. I just like to stay neutral. Albeit I do know how to stay relaxed and joke around. It depends on how well acquaintance I am with the person. But I get where others are coming from and I agree.
I started out with TurboFusions gunkit. Its very, VERY, well scripted. Super easy to modify!
It got everything you need:
-FPS aim and Aim behind sight if needed
-3rd person shooting
-Shotgun, burst fire, single fire etc
-Realistic spread etc.
-Crouch, lay down
It’s like 3k lines of code, but when you look into it, it’s pretty self explanatory.
And if you want to do it simple, there’s a simple settings file where you can change most properties.
I would suggest going from there instead of writing you own from scratch.