Gun System | Feedback

Gun System


current guns: M4A1, M16A1
features: case ejection, smooth aiming, smooth raycast visualizers for all clients
uses: raycasting

reloading isn’t programmed or animated yet!

configuration has burst mode, automatics mode, spread, animations, and other stuff. It has knockback too and smooth recoil with horizontal and vertical. I am not a good animator so don’t expect the two animations on every gun to be amazing.


C : Crouch
X : Crawl




newest to oldest

added flesh hit SFX and particle
by default ADS sensitivity is half of current sensitivity

added m1911
guns go on back or leg
ADS sensitivity change in setting

the end

ok that was my gun system any suggestion or stuff tell me or criticism, tell me.


I forgot to say c to crouch x to crawl

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You can now change your ADS Sensitivity while aiming in first-person by scrolling

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oh yea I also added m1911 toooooooooo

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Please, edit your post to say stuff like that.
You don’t wanna flood the replies with updates, it makes everything messy.


ook ill edit my posts with update changelong section

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