Gun system test

Hello There! my name is fried most of you might know me from the post I made a couple of days ago, if you don’t it’s talking about my remaking of a old game, back to topic, so
basically I want you guys to test out the gun I made (Ik I need to add animations and all that and I need to fix the GUI)
but I guess thats it,
oops heres the link,

also I will be ingame for a little


Make bullet’s physics be handled by client, instead of server (if you didn’t do that already). Also make arms stay in place, so they don’t go in all directions while running or walking. Those are my 2 tips for you. Besides that, your gun system is okay.

your feedback will always be greatly appreciated!
lol thx for real
also how do I make the client handle the bullet’s physics, sorry this is my first weapon (if you don’t know/don’t wanna tell me its fine)


Personally, I would make the bullet shoot from the end of the gun, rather than where it is currently fired from.

hmm, I should look into that.
Edit: turns out the gun is just one mesh so I will be remodeling the gun from scratch because it basically impossible to animate just one mesh.
thanks for pointing that out.