Guns don't work

So I have ACS guns and they don’t work. For example when you select them it doesn’t do anything but others work. I tried doing it on another map so I did and the guns worked but the spawns were bugged because when you die you spawn at the exact same location you died.I can’t go in testing because it is pausing my game and bringing out errors this is one of them,
local CloseClick = script.Parent.Closed:WaitForChild(“ClickDetector”)
and the error is
Closed is not a valid member of Folder “Workspace.Body”

I tried to look around on Youtube and other Developer questions but nothing :frowning:
I have some free models as well but if I arrange the testing part I can maybe give the gun error and someone can help me.

These are the scripts


I do recommend learning on how scripting works, it’d help you understand the general concepts more on how to educate & learn about how this stuff works

For the error, this is because there is nothing inside the script’s Parent (Or script > Parent) that’s named as Closed, which is resulting in that error

Try this, if you get a infinite yield warning then you still have nothing inside named “Closed”:

local CloseClick = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Closed"):WaitForChild("ClickDetector")

Ok so it works but there are more scripts that have errors are you willing to help me fixing them?


Maybe, but you should mark this as a solution for now so we can discuss this in DM’s privately to prevent flooding this topic


Of course do you have discord?


Can we do it here because I feel more comfortable?


I literally sent a message to you on PM’s

Not really, this would be considered as spam & non-relevant to the rules (I believe) for the main topic that I just fixed for you

You could just create a new topic instead to explain the kinds of errors you’re dealing with maybe

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Ok go on dms I am sending it there

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Also do please make sure to mark my post as a solution so that others are aware about this topic being solved :slightly_smiling_face: