Gusto’s Rank Guide.
By DeAurorax
This guide explains what you can do with the various Gusto ranks.
[C] Customer
- Dine at the Restaurant.
- Apply for the Trainee Rank.
- Priority Service.
- Access to our VIP Area.
- Access to the VIP Queue.
[C] Premio Club
- Priority Service.
- Access to our VIP Area.
- Access to the VIP Queue.
- Direct HR help system in-game.
- 25% Discount on our “Rent the Restaurant” Product.
- Access to all Game-Passes and Products for free. (Except for Restaurant Renting!)
- Access to a special “Premio” chat on our communication server to chat with the Presidential team directly.
[C] Honored Customer
- Priority Service.
- Access to our VIP Area.
- Access to the VIP Queue.
- 25% Discount on our “Rent the Restaurant” Product.
- Access to all Game-Passes and Products for free. (Except for Restaurant Renting!)
[C] Alliance Representative
- Priority Service.
- Access to our VIP Area.
- Access to the VIP Queue.
- Rent the Restaurant for free once every three month.
- Access to all Game-Passes and Products for free.
[C] Trainee
- Dine at the Restaurant.
- Able to Train for the “Server” Rank.
[LR] Chef
- Keep the Kitchen Clean.
- Prepare Orders in the Kitchen.
[LR] Server
- Take in Orders.
- Bring Orders from the Kitchen to the Table.
[LR] Host
- Seat people.
[MR] Kitchen Manager
- Host Trainings.
- Switch between all jobs.
- Ability to Post, Shout in the group.
- Access to our Warning, Mute System.
[MR] Supervisor
- Switch between all jobs.
- Host & Supervise Trainings.
- Access to our Warning, Mute System.
- Ability to Post, Shout, Rank in the group.
- Suggest or Discuss Kitchen Manager promotions.
- Ability to delete messages on our Communication Server.
[MR] Head Supervisor
- Switch between all jobs.
- Host & Supervise Trainings.
- Ability to Post, Shout, Rank in the group.
- Access to our Warning, Mute, Kick System.
- Suggest or Discuss Kitchen Manager promotions.
- Ability to delete messages and Time-Out people from our Communication Server.
[HR] Manager
- Switch between all jobs.
- Host & Supervise Trainings.
- Free from Uniform Requirements.
- Ability to join one of our Departments.
- Ability to Post, Shout, Rank in the group.
- Access to our Warning, Mute, Kick, Ban System.
- Suggest or Discuss Kitchen Manager, Supervisor promotions.
- Ability to delete messages and Time-Out, Kick people from our Communication Server.
[HR] Head Manager
- Switch between all jobs.
- Host & Supervise Trainings.
- Free from Uniform Requirements.
- Ability to join one of our Departments.
- Ability to lead one of our Departments.
- Ability to Post, Shout, Rank in the group.
- Access to our Warning, Mute, Kick, Ban System.
- Suggest or Discuss Kitchen Manager, Supervisor promotions.
- Ability to delete messages and Time-Out, Kick, Ban people from our Communication Server.
[SHR] Vice President
- Admin in-game and in our Communication Server.
[SHR] President
- Admin in-game and in our Communication Server.
[SHR] Owner
- Admin in-game and in our Communication Server.
All the Ranks from our “Management” Group.
Public Relations
- Takes care of our alliances.
- Handles our social media.
- Ensures that Gusto’s “image” stays perfect.
Group Relations
- Takes care of all community rules.
- Handles any community problems.
- Organizes community events.
Staff Relations
- Takes care of all staff rules.
- Handles any staff problems.
- Organizes staff events.