I have everything done but idk how to make bobbing like this correctly. currentGun = viewmodel
I have everything done but idk how to make bobbing like this correctly. currentGun = viewmodel
I think they manually inserted animations and checked when the player was moving. It looks like they make it fade in, too.
nah, this is not an animation. This is a script
Are you certain? To me it looks like an animation. It doesn’t look like something made in Roblox though, maybe Blender.
On closer inspection, it looks like it is using a looping sinewave to create a bobbing effect. Something like this:
Here is some example code to get you on the right track:
local Number = 0
while true do
Number += 5
local Number2 = math.rad(Number)
local Number3 = math.cos(Number2/4) * 4
local Number4 = math.sin(Number2/2) * 2
script.Parent.Position = Vector3.new(Number3,25 + Number4,0)/10
(I’m going to be honest with you, I have no idea what this code does. I wrote it well over three years ago, and I was always terrible with maths. Hopefully this page should help!