Guys please help me on removing these virus scripts!


this is what he is talking about ^

maybe delete all plugins
random scripts come from plugins

Don’t tell him to delete all his plugins until we know if its a free model or not.

and its starts lagging the game so hardly, after 10 seconds you cant even respawn and server is almost crashing.

Alright, do you want me to come in the game for you and look for you? You could make your game open source and publish it and I will look through for you.

if you want, i’ll come in and help.

boblox_studio maybe you can send an picture of your recent models? Maybe then we can see if you used a free model or not

ok, I’m gonna get some images.

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How about you do what @MillerrIAm said?

I will create a new roblox studio file and I will look what the scripts are called

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Also, take a look at this; this may help you find your mystery.

This actually is a good idea; we could report the model for being corrupt.

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You could send the roblox place file here and I can look for you. I understand you may be new to development and may need to some help so I am here for you.


Hey there :]
This why you always check free models lol
Here’s how to fix:

Go to there in the filter and search up “Scripts” then all scripts from your game will pop up. After that check which scripts is NOT yours and DELETE them.
Or you can reset your game to previous versions from the game page.

He has already tried to revert to older versions but this is not a good approach because it can ruin his progress.

I just realized I didn’t add “new” free models, I think its an old free model that I have used it before.

You guys can join to the game if you want. I’m in a server right now.

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its ok but can you send the roblox studio file (if you want to) or send a picture of your recent models? (if its there)

You can try this then and see:

Turn all these off

I see some new models in your game from the pictures you have sent. Just send the roblox place file by pressing the file button in the top left corner of roblox studio send the save file. Then upload it here.