Guys please help me on removing these virus scripts!

I was testing around in my game today and I got this annoying thing going on.
I don’t know how to describe but once I play the game then killed by another player a
pop-up of a game-pass purchase prompt screen comes out of nowhere and starts to lag.
I don’t even own the game-pass shown here.
here are the pictures:

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You have a virus from a free model or plugin.

Look through all your models and things for scripts that should not be there.

You can also search for script by typing “script” into the box right there.


Yeah, I’m gonna share a picture in a moment.

These “yellow things” are the problem im dealing with.

Look through everything you have added and see if there are random scripts.

Game Settings > Security > Allow Third Party Sales

Thats not the problem. He already has that disabled. The problem is that there are hidden scripts that are running and trying to force gamepass.

im doing it rn but i have so many scripts but i didn’t use any free model other than Endorsed_Model Roblox and CloneTrooper

Ah, I see. Most likely a free model of some sort.

Yeah. It could also be a plugin if he has any random not known one installed.

I rolled back the game to the older version but it’s still the same.

Hey boblox_studio do you see any scripts that you didnt added in your game? Maybe you will find scripts that are hidden somewhere

I’m searching the scripts right now.

If you don’t mind me asking, did you use any free models from the toolbox?

It starts to show pop-up when i turn on “Third Party Sales”

boblox_studio go to the toolbox and then go to recent models. Tell me the name of the model but please dont click on it just spell the name here

I used some free models but mostly Roblox and Endorsed_Model.

Listen, have you tried looking through the game for scripts that should not be there?

Try running this script in the studio console to see if there is any script and it will print out any result in the console.

for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("Script") or v:IsA("LocalScript") or v:IsA("ModuleScript") then
		print("Script found at "..v:GetFullName())

The Issue

Alright so, your issue is that you added in a free model and one of those free models had a script that is doing malicious things to your game such as making that pop-up occur. Don’t worry, it’s an easy fix.

What to do

  1. Go through every single item in your game and start disabling any scripts you see.
  2. The best way to do this is to do the following…
    Put this code in to your command bar, test it by playing the game then if it didn’t stop it; go to the next service that I listed in the script.
for ind,Script in pairs (game["ChangeMe2AService"]:GetDescendants()) do 
	if Script:IsA("Script") or Script:IsA("LocalScript") then
		Script.Disabled = true
--[[Services: Workspace, Lighting, ServerScriptService, ReplicatedStorage, ReplicatedFirst, StarterGui, StarterPack]]

Put that into your command bar. The command bar looks like this;

If you don’t see the command bar

If you don’t see that, to access the command bar, do the following;

After that, it will make itself visible.

I hope this helps you solve your issue and if it doesn’t… let me know.