Gyroscope rotation detection / 360 view

(I’m not a techy so I have no idea what this is called or if we have it already, excuse me for my ignorance if we do.)

So lastnight I was on my phone and came across one of these mind blowing 360 video ads late at night and remembered how when I first saw this I thought I was on drugs or something because my video was moving to the angle of my phone’s camera (At the time I had no idea these ads existed or were possible), well I came across another one while waiting to watch Markiplier’s Brookhaven Experiment video (I really want Vive now) and I got a bit of a nostaglic feeling from it that brought back two games to mind, Time Crisis and Turret Tower (Not exactly sure if this is the game’s name, it had a helmetwith a screen that you put on over you head and you had to manually spin the helmet with the two handles on it to manually target incoming hostile air… Forgive me, I cannot remember the proper title of this arcade game) and that gave me an idea that would be amazing to see on roblox.

ROBLOX offers a powerful 3D engine that’s compatible on most mobile devices and thousands of games that can run on mobile, but not a lot of games are actually playable on mobile or created strictly for mobile. With the ablity to detect to rotation of the mobile device from its origin we could re-create that game from above, or even another similar game like that one that requires teamwork (such as a group of players each get their own turret on a naval ship and have to defend it from other hostile naval ships), or a more funner way of flying a plane on ROBLOX by controlling it’s flying by using your phone’s gyroscope… Heck that’ll make a pretty damn fun way to do dogfighting. You could even use the gyroscope to create a physics puzzle game, or another way to drive karts like in Mario Kart.

Would be a pretty cool addition to ROBLOX if we could some how detect the rotation of the mobile device and look around in the world using our phone’s camera as if it was a VR headset.


say no more fam.

Pitch and roll are always accurate with that method but yaw is still prone to accumulating error. The right thing to ask for here is an interface to the phone’s magnetometers.


To get gyroscope info, use UserInputService:GetDeviceRotation(), which returns an InputObject and a CFrame.

You can use the CFrame to get the mobile device/gamepad gyroscope rotation.

Note: If you just use CFrame without any modifications, it might not rotate correctly.