Hacker uses remote event

yes, it doesnt have any oop (I think), it does use self though

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pro tip: make a remote event that does nothing but ban/kick the player. these so-called bait events get lots of exploiters banned

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trust i know my self i would have forgotten about it in the future and use it as a normal one

Connected: (connected: boolean, signal: Signal) → () what is this :slight_smile: ?

That’d probably be you connecting to a signal, connected is probably if its connected or not, signal, prob the signal idk man.

I also forgot to mention this in the post but Trackers wont automatically kick people if they exceed the limit, you can tell when they exceed the limit and take action by connecting to the signal of the tracker:

   -- do whatever you want to the player

no the → symbol what is it and what is t called?

uh probably like right arrow or something

You can make it by doing this:

u ve used in the code what does it actually do?

Ok so that would be a neat little module I use called signals or something (I cant find the creator of it :[ )
Anyhow I have no idea, as I didnt write the signal module, you could always sift through the code and see why its there though

it is ur module the module signal which is the child of the module event tracker has this piece of code

I think im a tad bit confused, where do you see the arrow in the code? If it is in the signal module then I really cant tell you, cause I dont recall using the → anywhere in the EventTracker module

Ok again yeah I couldnt tell you, as I didnt create the Signal module, I am just using it, as it is an open source module.

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i think the answer is on this video on 13:00 min

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The () -> Signal refers to a function type with no parameters and returns Signal, which is defined below. The constructor has it’s own type so Roblox can infer it correctly. Also, it’s called a “constructor” as in other OOP languages that is what new is referred to. Doing it this way allows the methods and properties of Signal to not be exposed until they should be since Roblox doesn’t do this properly. -> In regular Lua is invalid, but in Luau it exists as a function type.

The Signal module used here seems to be a lightweight version of Sleitnicks’ Signal. Signal is designed to mimic Roblox script connections with the same methods like Connect, Wait, and Once. Fire exists to actually call it.

i could not undersrand it well can u clarify pls

For the - > symbol in particular this is the part that explains it I think: https://luau.org/syntax#type-annotations

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