Hacker uses remote event

can a remote event detects on what type of event it has been called from like from (clickdetectors,touch event…ect) and can a hacker make a local script that use a while loop to fires one of the event forever to cause some lag?

I think yeah, that’s why you have to add safety measures for it not to happen. For example an admin system, you would need to check the players name before executing a command, because if the player doesn’t match, you can stop them early from causing any damage, same thing with remote events.

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wbt the first part od my question?

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Im not sure about that, I will need to look up that.

EDIT: I looked it up, to some degree, they can.


Hmm on the subject of this, if exploiters started firing a remoteEvent, does roblox have any features in place to prevent from mass amounts of events firing to the server? cause like the OP asked, wouldnt this result in lag?

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You can handle a cooldown on the server for the amount the remote event gets fired.

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To some degree, there’s throttling if throughput goes above 50KBp/s, although I think it’s up to the developer themselves to add measures to detect remote abuse.

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yes they can do that
you can add kind of anti cheat on the server to prevent this for example if a player fired over 60 remote event withen a second then kick/ban the player


hmm, and how should one go about doing this? Ig we could track how many times somes triggered the event via the client, and do some other checks to see if this was a valid reason, and if not, and they keep it up kick em out?

Idk Im just throwing around ideas

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but even with measures the calculation will cause mini work now imagine if hackers do it at te same time it would cause some serious lag


well if you just let them do it over and over with no penalty itll probably cause more lag


euh… they means events or hackers?

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i dont want to imagine that the first portion of my events would all look the same :face_with_head_bandage:

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any suggestion on whats the limit i should select ?

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Hmm I could totally try creating a module to track remote events, and see if people are mass firing them. Maybe Ill try that out today and see how it goes


if the event is supposed to be fired low times on the client and the exploiter is sending it alot then

it really depends on what you are using your event for if you expect your event to be fired 10 times per second then add that as a limit and if you expect it to be fired 5 times per second then add that as a limit etc…

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The hackers.


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Made that module


thank you :heart: apperciate it so much

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btw im on phone rn so i cant the script
does the scirpt uses oop or atleast self?

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