Hackers invading my game

Hello, today i’ve been REALLY Concerned with whats going on in my game lately.

Introduction, i am somewhat popular but not entirely, you know what i mean.
I have a game, which is the reason of it, it’s Five Nights at Treasure Island Roleplay: Five Nights at Treasure Island Roleplay - Roblox

Just today, 2 hackers joined once and the following happened:
First one used some kind of a message system (i believe its Adonis Admin), to send messages to the whole server, Well, he started to call people slurs, you know, the REALLY bad ones.
However i believe i banned him since i guessed who would it be for their avatar look and username.

Second Hacker, joined in and Resetted everybody, and spawned in a N#Z# camp even with the flag on it, this is no joke.
Some of my players saw his name and it was scout or something, didnt see him in time unfortunately.

Have you looked for backdoors?
Yes! indeed, i did and theres alot of them, however theres more than 11k Results of the getfenv/require lines and whenever i replace them all with the Find all tool, my studio just crashes, a friend tried to do it for me in a way better Computer, hes still waiting for it to replace all lines while studio almost crashing and i believe its working but slowly.

I am not a proffesional scripter, i am so sorry if i look dumb in front of you right now but if theres any help i would be forever grateful, i dont want to get banned because of these hackers hacking my game and i absolutely love my work, development and my team and my models.

Is it adonis?
I dont think so, adonis has a anti-cheat system and its source code is GitHub so i dont believe thats the problem… i Disabled the Dropper script of adonis and updated the game, but the second hacker i mentioned still inserted that in somehow.

May it be your Plugins?
Here are the plugins i have enabled:
Moon Animator 2
Model to Pixel
Load Character (From AlreadyPro)
RigEdit Plus
Curve Cutter
Studio Build Suite
Legacy Animation Editor (will remove soon)
Building Tools by F3X
Import from Building Tools by F3X
GeomTools (Gapfill, and Reflect)
Tool Grip Editor by CloneTrooper1019

Please help! Thank you.

11k Duplicates of the Backdoor found in the scripts:
Another backdoor found in 41 scripts, already removed

UPDATE: Found plugin “Animation Resizer” by OKevinO, it had script injections allowed, dont know if its still the source of those backdoors, but i disabled it. also disabled Legacy animation editor.


Did you use like free models? Just wondering, I’m not really the best scripter myself either.

(If so… well that’s a big problem)


Its a really old game, so overtime, yes but right now we just use some, in fact rarely and we make sure to clean them out of unnecessary assets/code lines once we begin to use them.
we always try to do it ourselves.


you have plugins that are named after legit plugins but do verify their source. Many malicious fellas automate copying the name and icon of a popular plugin and reuploading its code, plus a backdoor. If you just searched “building tools” in the toolbox and picked the first one that said f3x there’s a very good chance it was a fake one


alright, i will send links tomorrow since i have to go right now

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I know i am VERY late but there’s a very good antivirus plugin by madpoint: Server Defender | OFFICIAL PLUGIN - Roblox
not sure how well it preforms with backdoors but it should help a bit. I’ve played your game before and i know it has a crap ton of instances so it’ll probably may take a while (you may recognize me as that weird guy) anyways good luck.


Update: It seems hackers have stopped from invading my game, and now roblox did a proper fix to the replace/find feature to remove all backdoors Quicker.

Thanks for the support!


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