Haddock Tech is a group on roblox, owned by Almonty7655, and TheRobloxianDerg. It aims to provide a fun, enjoyable experience to players. This group contains subgroups, which allows players to engage in events/activities.
This document is here to help explain the rules all players are expected to follow, in order to maintain an enjoyable, calm, and welcoming experience to players around the globe, providing technology and realism of the past. The forefront of Roblox technology.
Do not fear us, for we do not exist
HT deploys a game moderation team, AKA Haddock Intelligence Agency, whose job is to maintain order across all HT’s facilities and its guilds.Please know, we are not ROBLOX Administrators. We assist as much as possible by properly sending valid reports of players who break the Community Standards over the Report-Abuse system.
Game Rules
Make sure to follow the Roblox Community Standards at all times.
Exploiting is forbidden/prohibited and will lead to an immediate trello ban, upwards of a global group ban, if further actions continue. E.G. Claiming falsely banned, constantly asking to be unbanned, etc.
More details on exploiting
– This includes third-party programs, such as Lua injectors/executors and macros. 3rd party programs designed to give you an advantage over others that is not already in-game will be treated as an exploit. Anything damaging or hurting the server infrastructure can be considered an exploit.
— If we cannot pin an exact type of exploit but suspect you of using exploits we will issue a 30d ban. This will be a rare ban as 99% of the time we can take out what type of exploit it is and whether or not it was used. This covers the 1% of flags (excluding known false-positives) that we didn’t act on since we were not sure exactly what was happening, but we knew it was an exploit.
— Macros to keep you from being AFK-kicked will result in a 3 day ban.
— EXCEPTION: Use of FPS unlockers or auto-clickers does not warrant a gameban.
— See the “Autoclicker” rule for more information in the game rules
– Getting caught exploiting, moderators can run just about any command on your client.
Be warned.
– Appealing an exploit ban is difficult and rare to go through
– Please remember, if you do appeal, be aware that we have evidence for exploit bans and can dispute most claims of “I wasn’t exploiting so unban me”.
Currently, spawn killing is classified as constantly killing a player who is at a spawn in the facility. The spawns are meant to be a safe zone. Areas subject to this include the STS pads (within HT Computer core, or HTST Training zone.), and includes the security portable in HTCC. Floor 4 (at HTHQ) is also considered a safe zone in the case of Rebellion Faction attempting to kill on floor 4 or any considerable safe zones. (The Rebellion Faction is defunct.)
Autoclickers are not against the rules unless used as a way to bypass Roblox Anti-AFK. Moderators are allowed to temp-ban AFK-ing players (up to 3 days) who are attempting to stay longer than designed while AFK.
– However, using an auto-clicker to spam tools in an attempt to annoy other players can be removed from the game. This would fall under harassment. -
Members are required to be respectful toward other players. Any hurtful or disrespectful commentary will lead to an in-game mute, or furthermore may constitute a trello mute (Global mute on all facilities), alongside report abuse(s) being sent to Roblox to be dealt with by Roblox moderation. Repeat offenders may be banned, or further cases depending on severity can result in a ban ranging from 1 Day - 3 months.
Users with user/display names that bypass the filter in order to project slurs or other inappropriate phrases are reported to roblox and result in being trello banned.
Users with inappropriate clothing that is meant to bypass the Roblox Community Standards (More specifically, Restricted Content Policy), will be reported to Roblox and banned for 7 days on the first offence. Second offence will be a permanent ban until appealed.
Users who join to ‘raid’ with others are asked to follow the game rules. Raids that fail to abide by the game rules will result in moderation being taken on the group in question.
– However, attempting to raid the discord server will result in a permanent ban. Discord raid bans may not be appealed. -
Haddock Tech has subdivisions that provide tools/weapons to members of those subdivisions. Currently, there are no handbooks in place. However, we will enforce that these tools are not to be abused, the following list is what must be followed temporarily:
– You may not Team Kill – Random killing without any reason/context is not tolerated – Ranked weapons being misused/abused can result in demotion and/or a global KoS, or HIA intervention
Please keep the chat free of spam, this also includes scams and advertisements. You can be trello muted if you have been repeatedly warned.
Do not impersonate anyone of the community, this includes impersonation of a HIA Agent in-game, or in general, or impersonation of a user. (Alternative accounts are exempt from this rule if verified to belong to the original owner.)
Evading someone with moderator powers can and will lead to a harsher punishment. It is best to just listen and talk with them if you are pulled aside/warned.
Racial, discriminatory, and offensive content is strictly prohibited in the in-game Roblox voice chat. If you are caught doing so, you may receive a trello ban, and a report to Roblox will be made,
If something is not listed here, it does not mean it is naturally allowed. Moderators will have the final say in situations.
If you believe a HIA Agent, or a person granted moderator powers from a subgroup is abusing their elevated permissions, please do not hesitate to report the case with indisputable proof to an individual above their rank, in terms.
How to contact a HIA Agent
While we are able to detect exploiters, not every exploiter is detected/is made aware of. If so, you will need to contact an HIA agent.
Currently, we do not have an implemented call system to handle reports, so how to do so is listed below:
- In the HT Comms; you are welcome to DM and ping a HIA Agent (Individual with the Agent role, NOT Chat Moderators), to get their attention. IF possible, you should supply evidence. The HIA appreciates those who catch an exploiter or someone violating the game rules.
to join the HT Appeal Centre, you MUST be age 13+ to join. You can join this server by joining our main comms in HT group.
Additional Information;
“x” is legal in “x” country, I didn’t do anything wrong!
» HT’s rules and norms use the US/UK laws as a baseline. If it’s illegal in the US/UK, you definitely did do something wrong.
My account was hacked / it wasn’t me on my account when I got banned
» Your account is your responsibility, unless you have indisputable proof we will not accept any excuse about unauthorized account usage.
Empty tickets & tickets where the ticket creator has left the server will be deleted.
Created 1/29/2025, by TheRobloxianDerg
Ⓒ Haddock Tech Incorporated.