Half of the body not animated using tool

Hey Developers!

In my last topic created i learnt about animating and cloning tools into player’s backpack.
After some tools created, one of them is not working as i intended. Half of the animation i created for it doesn’t work for some reason.
This is what i mean:
This is how it’s supossed to work
And the holding idle animation looks like this:
Script and Tool’s components:

Thank you everyone for helping :heart:

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This is because tools override animations that involve the right arm. Instead of tools, it’d be best to weld the object to your hand.

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Did you set the Animation Priority high enough?

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If i weld an object to my hand it would be harder for me to script how the object should work.
However, as @dispeller showed me, i forgot to set the animation priority. Thank you :heart: