Halloween Game Icon

Made this for the game I work for, wanted a Halloween Theme’d Icon, so this is what I made.

Would appreciate any criticism :slight_smile:

Made Two Variants:


Looks Great! I personally prefer the second one because the title and character are a bit larger and easier to see, but that’s just my opinion.

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This is a very neat looking icon if I do say so my self. Also I agree with @TimingMonster. The second one looks better than the first one as the character is not as small as it is in the first one.

Keep up the great work! :+1:

It looks great and the vividness of the colors, I could only add that the illumination of the pumpkin increases more but well done

Remove the 2020 from the logo. I feel it is not necessary.

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Hi, it looks really nice, but the images doesn’t match.
We see a bright text, perfectly aligned, with bright colors, and in the background, dark background with almost none lights.
Maybe try making text more spooky/dark/broke if you know what I mean :smiley:

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