Halo unboxing with trading system

Hi, I have a game in which I am trying to add halos that can be unboxed through crates using in-game currency for example cash (Not a shop system but an unboxing system) (I already have the cash system in my game --leaderstats.Cash). For this, i also want to make a trading system so that players can trade halos with each other and when they leave and rejoin the data saves (using a datastore). If possible, i also want the halos to have a value number beside it so users can know how much it is worth. But mostly I just want a halo system that people can use, unbox, and trade. However, I just started coding and I have only some experience with this so I don’t know how to make this. Sorry if this post is in the wrong topic this is my second post in the dev forum right now.

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I don’t know exactly what you are looking for but I have found two tutorials that might be what you need. (or at least a start)

No rhis is not what i am looking for sorry. I dont need a shop system, i want more of like a unboxing system, more like of in mm2 where you can spend coins to unbox. However i dont know how to input the table with the replicated storage. Thanks for the reply though.