Hammer of Productivity uses ProportionsNormal scaling despite being a non-rthro item

ProportionsNormal is usually used on accessories made for rthro bundles to have them fit around the bundle itself but on non-rthro items it crushes the accessory in r15.

Expected Behavior
How it looks in R6, this is how it should look in R15 as well

Actual Behavior

How it looks in R15

Should be changed to “Classic”

Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: Item Creation Date
Date Last Experienced: Current Date


I was about to report this same issue until finding this post. Here’s a quick comparison on the current appearance vs it’s expected appearance (the post above showcases the hammer in R6 instead of the hammer with AvatarPartScaleType set to Classic)

Current (AvatarPartScaleType.Value = “ProportionsNormal”)

Expected (AvatarPartScaleType.Value = “Classic”)

Thank you for reporting this.

While it’s true that most Roblox Accessories are made for Classic Scale Types, there are many that are made for Normal and Slender as well. This was the intention for this Accessory, so we will not be making an update to this Accessory.


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