Hand-Drawn Realistic Roblox Faces Critique

I made new faces to create realistic edits using Robloxian rigs. I would love to hear your feedback and what visuals you’d be interested in seeing these incorporated with. I sketched & colored these myself, and It took me roughly 5 hours to create.

Feedback I’m looking for:
A) Does this look appealing?
B) What feature feels the most unfinished to you?
C) What would you have done differently?


It looks interesting, i want to see what they look like ingame though so my answers aren’t going to be that solid.
A) I never been a fan of faces like this so I gotta say no, it still looks really nice though
B) I guess some optimizations like smoothing the lighting n such
C)Would of used different outline colors, something that flatters the color of whichever face part it may be.For a style like this probably would of made the eyebrows have more defined details.


A) The looks are definitely appealing, a little creepy/scary, not really good for a game targeted for younger kids, but otherwise thy’re amazing

B) They all look nicely finished (just not because they don’t have necks, but I think you aren’t planning on adding those)

C) I would make the faces a bit more sympathising, good for younger kids because, let’s be honest, a large part of the roblox community is young


God, these would look phenomenal on a custom rig but really uncanny valley on a regular Roblox Rig.

The fact of the matter is that Roblox’s default rigs don’t really allow much room for anything realistic or too crazy unless its stylized.

My opinion? Use these for a custom rig and make the backgrounds of the faces transparent as the color of the background won’t translate well on a default roblox head rig or anything else with decals.

Tl;dr: I love these faces incredibly so, but they wouldn’t look right on a default Roblox Rig. Use for custom rig. Make sure background is transparent.


@Blizzei, @theworldis_socruel, @Zintenka

I appreciate your feedback so much!

Here is a picture of two models so you can get a visual of how it looks in Studio.

I definitely do agree the eyebrows should have more detail imprinted, so I will work on adding that.

These models are going to be used for mainly editorial pictures and videos, and I do agree this kind of aesthetic wouldn’t be the most ideal for a younger audience, but my target goal is towards someone around the age of 13 and up since mainly it’s a creativity showcase.

Other than that, thanks for letting me receive your input! I’m definitely going to listen and keep listening and make the changes to make these appear less “uncanny”, and more of an authentic art piece.


Well, gave you feedback once, can do it again, the second one looks great! In the first one, you should try making a soft transition instead of 1 line :slight_smile:


For sure! There’s so much color going around it’s hard to blend it in with the body parts, if anything I will look for a hair to cover up the line if I can’t mix it correctly :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you again! The feedback truly does make a difference.

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