Hand-painted 3D Asset Feedback

Hi! Recently I’ve stepped away from my usual style of modelling and attempted the stylised modelling and material seen in a variety of games across the platform and I’m looking for feedback!
I’m generally unsure on the blade itself so I’ll definitely be open to harsh criticism on that area, but the other parts (like the hilt and the handle) dont seem to be the worst, especially for my first time properly ‘hand painting’ all the depth & detail into it!)


This looks really nice! If it is supposed to be ocean themed, you did a great job with that! It really makes me think of the ocean when I look at it.


That’s beautiful! If you want a method to get rid of the sharp pixelated edges without sacrificing detail, you could blend extra colors to fill out the thin lines with “anisotropic filtering” style!

Thanks! It was more or less an attempt at sort of an ‘edge highlight’ without the use of smart masks as I wanted to keep it all exclusively hand-painted but definitely didnt turn out the best hahah. Will definitely try it!

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At 1st i actually thought that it’s a well made UGC item. Honestly the style is unique and in my personal opinion, the model it self looks amazing. You can add some bandages to the handle for detalization, but its up to you. You really did an awesome job on that.

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Thank you! It’s my first attempt at hand painting all the detail on the model such as the wood-grain so it was definitely a unique experience.

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Nice model it really brings out that summer wave loo!! What would look awesome is if you would substitute the handle with the claw of a crab or other decapods.

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