[HANDBOOK] Sum's Handbook

Welcome to Sum’s Handbook! If you want to know more about Sum’s, read this!

About Us!

Sum’s was founded the 6/2/2020 by xMapy. Sum’s is a roblox group looking forward to become an amazing group! Our group has been inspired from Subway, so we’re lovers of the Subway food! :yum:


When are Moderator Applications relased?
Moderator Applications are relased every month.

How do I work at Sum’s?
If you’d like to work at Sum’s, you can join our group and take the LR’s Application at the Application Center, applications are read often.

How do I become a MR+?
To become a MR, there isn’t a training. You can become a MR+ applying when our applications are out, or you can walk your way up by being active and showing professionalism at Sum’s Hotel!

Essential Links!

:roblox: Group:
Sum's Restaurant - Roblox