Handcuffs System Weld Issue

Hey there, I’m scripting a handcuff system, and seem to keep having issues with the welding. Whenever I create a weld, it works just as you’d expect, and weld’s one person to another. The issue is that when one person dies, the other does as well.

I have been looking for a bypass like adding parts that weld in workspace, Motor6d, etc. Alternative options like Align Position/Orientation and constantly offsetting position will not work because it looks sloppy and there is a player desync on either server or client side depending on the method.

Could anybody help me out?

you could try checking if the player has died and remove the weld but im not sure if that does it fast enough

Will not work because of the reason you stated.

have you tried removing the weld when a player’s character has died and is being removed? and are you changing the network owner?

I will be testing Align Position & Orientation with network ownership soon. Will get back to you on results.

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Thanks to @iotalua:
Issue may be fixed by using Align Position and Orientation and giving network ownership of the victim’s HumanoidRootPart to the player. Solution fixes latency issues and looks clean.

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