Handle din't recieve TouchInterest when moving Tool into Workspace

Also it won’t be possible to pick up the tool once it’s in workspace, so to do that you can use a .Touched event for each of the tool’s handles. Did it work? Edit: you don’t need to use getplayerfromcharacter, that was an accident change it to just plr.Backpack:GetChildren(). It worked for me, so I hope it worked for you too.

Okay, so it worked the same way as the script I provided before.
Also you mean like implement a code that you can pick up from scratch for each tool handles that is dropped to workspace? I’ll try to do that, thanks!

Oh wow so I did that for no reasn im an idiot. Just use a .Touched event for each of the handles and when its touched move it to the player’s backpack. But keep the script because I think it works better than your previous one.

Also change the handle’s name back to handle when it’s touched. I’m even more stupid I just realised that humanoids have an event already .HealthChanged where you can check the previous health and the health now. Wow. Use your original script, just fix the math.random thing and use a .Touched event whilst I go rage about how I did all of that for nothing.

OKAY so I just figured it out, you basically renamed the handle to “NoHandle” that explains why I cant pick up the tool in the first place, so now you’ve mentioned renaming the handle, I did this to two separate drop functions, and I able to pick it up!

I wonder if I did the same thing to my old script in that case if it worked too…

edit: it dint work, lol

So solution? Who is the solution?

I guess the one you’ve provided me! lol

I don’t know if I should be happy or sad, I feel like a godamn idiot. I forgot healthchanged event exists and what not.