Handle din't recieve TouchInterest when moving Tool into Workspace

I don’t get it? one of my games has a script that drops tools and can be picked up when touching it, unless a TouchTransmitter or TouchInterest often appears inside the Handle, but not for this one…
Any advice?

Here’s a LocalScript:

`local LocalPlayer = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer

local function dropRandomTool(character)
local tools = {}

for _, item in ipairs(LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
	if item:IsA("Tool") and item.CanBeDropped then
		table.insert(tools, item)

for _, item in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do
	if item:IsA("Tool") and item.CanBeDropped then
		table.insert(tools, item)

if #tools > 0 then
	local randomIndex = math.random(#tools)
	local toolToDrop = tools[randomIndex]

	local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	local forwardVector = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
	local dropPosition = humanoidRootPart.Position + forwardVector * 4 

	toolToDrop.Parent = game.Workspace
	toolToDrop.Handle.CFrame = CFrame.new(dropPosition)


local humanoid = character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local previousHealth = humanoid.Health

	if health < previousHealth then
	previousHealth = health


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Okay, so after thinking about this in a matter of minutes, I think it’s either that the code is written in LocalScript, the code is written in a Script but set into a client, OR the handle doesn’t receive TouchInterest…? I am not too sure about this

EDIT: I actually can’t pick up a tool that is moved from a backpack or is unequipped SPECIFICALLY, it’s still an issue to me though.

local randomIndex = math.random(#tools)
local toolToDrop = tools[randomIndex]

I think this is where the problem is, math.random requires two arguments. It picks a range of numbers and you aren’t reading from the table either, you’re getting a random number from 8 to nothing.
This is what you should do:

local randomIndex = tools[math.random(1, #tools)] -- Picks a random number from 1 to the length of the array, and it's also reading from the table so it picks a random index.
local toolToDrop = tools[randomIndex]

Also you should move this to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support

Unfortunately, no effect, it still drops without it, the only issue is the Handle didn’t receive a TouchInterest for players to pick up a dropped tool when the tool moved to the workspace… and sure I’ll move this topic somewhere!

Can’t you just drop a tool by clicking backspace anyway? And you can pick it up by just walking over to it. Roblox does that by default. Does your tool have a part named Handle?

WAIT! i see the issue, you can’t do this in a local script, switch it to a server script.
Plus keep this code:

local randomIndex = tools[math.random(1, #tools)] -- Picks a random number from 1 to the length of the array, and it's also reading from the table so it picks a random index.
local toolToDrop = tools[randomIndex]
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edited one

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)

local function dropRandomTool(character)
local tools = {}

-- Collect tools in the character
for _, item in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do
    if item:IsA("Tool") and item.CanBeDropped then
        table.insert(tools, item)

-- Drop a random tool if there are any
if #tools > 0 then
    local randomIndex = math.random(#tools)
    local toolToDrop = tools[randomIndex]

    local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
    local forwardVector = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
    local dropPosition = humanoidRootPart.Position + forwardVector * 4 

    toolToDrop.Parent = game.Workspace
    toolToDrop.Handle.CFrame = CFrame.new(dropPosition)

    -- Add touch interest
    local touchInterest = Instance.new("TouchInterest", toolToDrop.Handle)


– Bind the function to drop tools to the character
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local previousHealth = humanoid.Health

        if health < previousHealth then
        previousHealth = health

-- Drop tools when the character is added
if player.Character then


fix the math.random thing too xd. Oh yeah and put the character:GetChildren loop under the characteradded event so OP doesn’t get confused if he errors again. Edit: just realised for some reason math.random works even with just one argument, you learn something new everyday.

Sure, but I kind of wanna make a random tool drop out from player damage for some reason, like snitching from a player

Hold on then we need to rework your code alot.

Alright, Unless I have some free time to do this!

-- Server script (parent this to startercharacterscripts)
local char = script.Parent
	if char.Humanoid.Health < 100 then
		local tools2 = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent).Backpack:GetChildren()
		local randomindex2 = tools2[math.random(1, #tools2)]
		randomindex2.Parent = workspace

Ye, I learned about them months ago

Actually do this new script I gave all server-side. I edited it, no need to do from the client. Sorry I edited it twice since I realised it wouldn’t have worked kind of. Edited again lol. Yeah I realised it didn’t work give me a second.

I think you might wanna test out the script twice (or more if you found it buggy) that you remodified before re-editing the message, you still have time, thank you for helping this out by the way! (-:

Yeah no problem, almost got it working I think. Give me a sec.

By the way do you just want the tool that the player is holding to drop? Or both the holding tool and the tools in the player’s backpack to drop randomly?

Both the holding tool and the tools in the player’s backpack to drop randomly, it’ll be pretty good for snitching each other pretty easily for my game!

Ok I’ve got it now It works hold on.

-- Local script (Parent to startercharacterscripts)
local RE = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local char = script.Parent
	if char.Humanoid.Health < 100 then
-- Server script (Serverscriptservice)
local RE = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
	local tools = {}
	for i, tool in plr.Character:GetChildren() do
		if tool:IsA("Tool") then
			table.insert(tools, tool)
	for i, tool1 in plr.Backpack:GetChildren() do
		if tool1 then
			table.insert(tools, tool1)
	if #tools > 1 then
		local randomindex = tools[math.random(1, #tools)]
		randomindex.Handle.Name = "NoHandle"
		randomindex.Parent = workspace
	if #tools == 1 then
		tools[1].Handle.Name = "NoHandle"
		tools[1].Parent = workspace

Also this will happen everytime the player loses/gains health. So to fix that issue I added an empty script in startercharacterscripts and named it “Health”. Do that too, it’ll stop players from healing. But if you want healing to be part of your game you will have to replace this event with:

while char.Humanoid.Health -= 1 do
-- The same code

The reason I chose not to this was because I thought it may’ve been impactful on memory. But it’s your choice.