Whats better for performance and security? firing an event to tell the player to apply a velocity to their client or temporarily changing the characters network owner to nil, apply the velocity then set it back to the player right after?
Handle it on the server. In addition to :SetNetworkOwnership(nil), make sure to also include :SetNetworkOwnershipAuto(false).
Otherwise, the network ownership of the character – especially for player characters – will reset automatically almost instantly.
Obviously, once the character lands or gets to the target, make sure to do :SetNetworkOwnershipAuto(true)
im trying to use assembly linear velocity or apply impulse. do i re set the network owner to the player after i set the velocity or when they should stop moving or when they land?
When they land or stop moving.
well i dont know if thats a pretty good solution for me because i dont know if another velocity is going to get applied to that character and conflicts might happen
You need to when applying knockback. If nothing else, just have it reset shortly after the initial impulse is applied.