Handle not being found correctly on ACS system

So, few days ago I bought K1 ACS, installed it and noticed a strange glitch. If you equip a gun and lean to the left, the gun will be removed from your hand and the client model under the camera will be also removed. At the same time, console print such error


The fact which annoy me the most of that this glitch only work with left lean, so if I do any other stances in ACS, I won’t meet such bug. Line 2943 looks like that (image 2)

ArmaTool in this script is: (image 3)

Thanks anybody in advance who will help me with thing glitch!


Wherever you bought the ACS Mod from, they probably, most likely have a Support Channel or Server, so… check that out

try using WaitForChild instead of dot notation? when doing things on the client, i would suggest waiting for the child to load in before doing things with them

Tried both wait for child and find first child, both didn’t help sadly.

Most likely something is removing the Weld/WeldConstraint from your model.

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Thanks, will try to work with this!