Handling client-sided vehicles/Network Ownership/Replication

A game I am working on features many moving vehicles interacting with each-other. Planes can land on aircraft carriers, cars can load into the back of trucks, etc. To optimize it I only create a single part on the server and all the physics constraints are set up on the client. The problem is that players are able to exit/enter the vehicles at will, leaving them in a state of limbo without a network owner.

Ideally I’d like the have a server-sided model take over, but the problem is I can’t create it on the server without it trying to replicate the whole thing to every client which defeats the purpose. The game needs to be performant targeting 50+ players, I can’t just have hundreds hinges and parts moving around clogging the network.

Does anyone have any idea on how I should handle this? In other engines I would just create a non-replicating server-sided simulation but with Roblox I can’t seem to parent anything to the workspace without it automatically trying to replicate to everyone.

Are you currently running into performance issues? You could try maybe anchoring the vehicles when they are not in use.

I understand what you’re saying, but at the same, I don’t. Would you mind being a little more specific on what you need help with?

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