Hands not positioning/sizing right?

I have custom hands I use on my rigs so I just put them on when you load in, the male works fine but the female’s hands are not positioning right?


				local values = character:FindFirstChild("RightHand")
					character:FindFirstChild("RightHand").Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
					local rhand = script.Female.RightHand:Clone() 
					rhand.Parent = game.Workspace
					rhand.Size = values.Size 
					rhand.CFrame = values.CFrame
					rhand.RightWrist.Part0 = character.RightLowerArm
					rhand.Orientation = values.Orientation 
					rhand.Parent = character 
					rhand.Anchored = false
					rhand.Transparency = 0
					local values2 = character:FindFirstChild("LeftHand")
					character:FindFirstChild("LeftHand").Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
					local lhand = script.Female.LeftHand:Clone() 
					lhand.Parent = game.Workspace
					lhand.Size = values2.Size 
					lhand.CFrame = values2.CFrame 
					lhand.LeftWrist.Part0 = character.LeftLowerArm 
					lhand.Orientation = values2.Orientation 
					lhand.Parent = character 
					lhand.Anchored = false
					lhand.Transparency = 0