I am trying to have a satchel hang off of a player’s side, to make it looks a bit more realistic. So when they move or jump, the satchel also moves. I tried using different attachments such as ropes, rods, and springs, to no luck. It just ends up glitching a lot. Any ideas on how to do this?
You could try using a BallSocketConstraint to make sure the satchel’s handle stays in one place. Then you could use a BodyPosition to constantly move the satchel to its initial offset from the body part its attached to. That should give you a more stabilized movement.
Using constraints is your best go if you want it to be as realistic as possible.
Try messing with constraints’ properties, like Rope’s Restitution and Length. to get it to be more stable.
You should also check collisions to make sure that it doesn’t glitch out because of it.
You could try putting an invisible platform welded behind the player’s lower torso and the backpack will rest on it. The backpack then has spring against the platform to bounce against the platform when the player jumps up
Alright, I’ll try this, thanks. Have never used a BallSocketConstraint before.
Good luck! The BallSocketConstraint is just there to let the satchel hang off of the player whilst the BodyPosition is for stabilizing the movements. I’ve used this method for one of my tools and it worked great!
No luck with the AlignPosition. Guess I’ll try and mess with ropes and other types more.
Update: I am close to what I would like to achieve. Only one problem: When I jump, the satchel makes my character fly to the left. I have the satchel set to massless, don’t see why it would be doing this?
Did you try making it no cancollide?
Yes, did not help.
Are you using a string or what exactly?
RopeConstraints should solve this, seeing as it’s a satchel.
@Legoracer’s suggestion should work no problem!
Make sure you adjust your properties so the satchel doesn’t cause the character to fling or anything. You’ll want to try restraining its angle too.
I guess I’ll mess with it again. The problem I had with ropes is that the satchel is super wobbly and every little movement shakes it a crazy amount. Maybe I need more ropes with shorter length.
Edit: Just read that anything inside of a hat object is weightless, so I’ll try that to fix the flinging issue.
Anything that uses ropes, hinges or sockets and has low mass will often glitch out. Try increasing the density of the satchel to something like 5.
Thanks, I’ll try this too.
I increased the density to 10, and put the parts inside of a hat to get rid of the weight. It just about behaves how I want it to now, but it still kinda pushes my character to the left when I jump.
How about trying to use the massless property on the bag or configuring some custom physics?
Please read other replies before posting. Massless and CustomPhysicalProperties have already been suggested (and attempted).
May you post an image of the constraints you are using as well as a GIF of the supposed flying issue you are having? I’d like to see that to get a sense of what is being caused here - whether it’s the way you’ve organised your constraints, the model itself or if it’s just a physics bug.
Furthermore, to get a sense of what you’ve done so far, I’d like to list what you’ve attempted. Correct me if I’ve missed something:
- Using constraints
- Setting all parts in the satchel (or the satchel if it is only one part) to massless
- Attempting to change the CustomPhysicalProperties of the satchel
- Setting the satchel to not collide
What is your progress currently looking like?
Sorry for not replying. Haven’t been on. And yes, I’ve tried what you have listed. Tomorrow when I’m on I’ll make a gif of the jumping issue. (On mobile currently)
Hello, I’ve had the same issue as yours for ages and just found out,
Whenever you equip a tool, it automatically sets your character’s center of mass with the tool’s parts ones, which gives it’s stability.
But now when you use constraints, they are not welded together therefore constantly change positions within your character and since the center of mass adapts only when you equip the tool, it causes your character to fling when you jump or even worse.
Now to fix this, you can keep the handle of your tool inside it, but all of the parts that are jointed with constraints should be grouped as a model and put in a place like ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage, then whenever you equip the tool, move that model in the workspace or anywhere that is NOT inside the character’s model which won’t affect it’s center of mass therefore not fling you.