Hangout game feedback and suggestions

Hello. I am currently working on a hangout game for Roblox developers where you can showcase your creations, hire people and get hired as well.

the game is not done yet and it still in very early development so I would need feedback and suggestions of anything you would like to see in it on the game!

( ✦ ) Roblox Developers Hub [ALPHA] - Roblox


I am sure a simulator game is not a hangout game. You are literally using every single simulater game asset which is quite unoriginal. I would suggest making your map a bit better and fit the hangout theme more. Maybe making a cafe? A city like build? Anything but a simulator map.

Oh that’s mean i got scammed, i hired a builder and paid him 6k and thought he will do original map :sob:


Uhm… uhhh… huhhuhuhhuhuhhuhuhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

That’s unfortunate.

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