Harú | Public Handbook

Harú | Public Handbook

:bamboo: Welcome to Harú Hibachi!

Traditional Japanese elements coexist with imaginatively created contemporary furnishings, in the dining experience that we offer. With the help of our cutting-edge restaurant, we hope to give our customers a nostalgic taste of the lovely culture and cuisine tailored to the spring season in Japan. We also aim to provide them with an immersive gameplay experience.

You might take the next step in your career by joining our group and our community, which will help us elevate our business and customer service.

This manual is intended to provide you with all of the details that you require about our establishment. Please direct any additional inquiries to a Chief Operating Officer+ concerning anything that hasn’t already been covered in this handbook.

Last Updated: 09/28/23

Important Links

Affiliate Information

We are always excited to collaborate with new organizations on the Roblox platform, and we truly appreciate your interest in forming an alliance with Harú.

In order to form an alliance with our establishment, you must first make sure that your group satisfies a list of requirements needed to form a partnership with our group. Please refer to the sections below for this criterion. You will then be able to continue with the application procedure if your group satisfies the list of prerequisites. You will be required to respond to a series of questions on this application on your organization and our possible partnership. For each question, it is advised that you write at least three sentences, and we would suggest that you be as specific as you can.

After this, our HR (high rank) team will examine your group and your application. One of our HRs will then send you a DM (direct message), regarding the outcome of your application and whether or not we will be able to successfully form an alliance.

In order to move on to the application process, your group must meet all of the below criteria. Please note that exceptions can and will be made at times. If your group does not meet a particular requirement, please inform a member of our HR team so that they can see if an exception is able to be made.

  • Group must have a minimum of 500 non-botted members
  • Discord server must have a minimum of 50 non-botted members
  • Group mustn’t sell any ranks with administrative abilities
  • Must hold a good reputation in the Roblox Hospitality/Roleplay Industry, and should not have any negative history/negative records
  • Group and discord server must be active on a daily basis, with professional staff members
  • Must be willing to actively host alliance events/visits with our group
  • Must remain communicative with our HR team, and be willing to announce things to do with our group on your server
  • Must be a group in the Roblox Hospitality/Roleplay Industry

If your group has met all of the above criteria, you may move onto the application process. You will be expected to create a Google document containing the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the name of your ROBLOX group?
  • Tell us about your group. What is it about?
  • How many non-botted, group members do you have?
  • How many non-botted, discord members do you have?
  • How will you be able to benefit our group if we were to form an alliance with you?
  • Why should we form an alliance with your group, compared to other groups on the Roblox platform?
  • What are the usernames of the two individuals that will be representing your group?
  • What can our group do to ensure that our partnership is successful, and that both of our groups are benefitted?
  • Will your group representatives remain communicative with our representatives, and will you be willing to host alliance events/visits with us, as well as announce things about our group on your discord server?

Once you have answered all of the above questions in as much detail as possible, and with 3+ sentences in a Google document, you may send it to a Corporate Assistant+. They will then share the document with the rest of our HR team to review. Please note that this process may take 2-3 days to complete.

Please be aware that our establishment has all rights to terminate any of our alliances with other groups if they are caught violating any of our rules/regulations.

Please read through our Affiliation Handbook for more details on our alliance system.

Rank Information

Customer is the very first rank in the group. Those with this rank are able to get served by our staff members at the restaurant, and are able to enjoy the traditional Japanese experience that we offer.

Noted Customer
The Noted Customer rank is given to those who have made significant contributions to our group, and to those who have made a positive impact on our establishment.

People with the Trainee rank have just passed their application, and need to attend training sessions and/or shifts to be promoted further.

Kitchen Assistant
Kitchen Assistant is the first staff rank. Those with this rank are able to serve anywhere at the restaurant, but need to attend trainings and/or shifts to be promoted further.

Junior Chef
Junior Chef is the second staff rank. Those with this rank are able to serve anywhere at the restaurant, but need to attend trainings and/or shifts to be promoted further.

Intermediate Chef
Intermediate Chef is the third staff rank. Those with this rank are able to serve anywhere at the restaurant, but need to attend trainings and/or shifts to be promoted further.

Station Chef
Station Chef is the fourth staff rank. Those with this rank are able to serve anywhere at the restaurant, but need to attend trainings and/or shifts to be promoted further.

Executive Chef
Executive Chef is the fifth staff rank. Those with this rank are able to serve anywhere at the restaurant, but need to attend shifts in order to be promoted to Shift Leader.\

Shift Leader
This rank can be obtained by attending shifts and receiving a promotion, or by purchasing the Shift Leader gamepass. Those with this rank are also eligible to apply for Assistant Supervisor, when applications release.

Assistant Supervisor
Assistant Supervisor is the lowest rank on the MR team. People with this rank are considered to be interns to the MR team, and would have to undergo a training course before being able to officially begin their duties. Assistant Supervisors are tasked with supervising the game, ensuring that rule breakers are dealt with accordingly and in the correct manner. Those who hold this rank are eligible to assist trainers at training sessions.

Supervisor is the second rank on the MR team. Supervisors are tasked with supervising the game, ensuring that rule breakers are dealt with accordingly and in the correct manner. Those who hold this rank are eligible to train at and host trainings and shifts.

Assistant Manager
Assistant Manager is the third rank on the MR team. Assistant Managers are tasked with supervising the game, ensuring that rule breakers are dealt with accordingly and in the correct manner. Those who hold this rank are eligible to train, host and rank at trainings and shifts.

Manager is the highest rank on the MR team. Managers are tasked with supervising the game, ensuring that rule breakers are dealt with accordingly and in the correct manner. Those who hold this rank are eligible to train, host and rank at trainings and shifts. Managers also work closely with the HR team, and suggest other MRs for a promotion.

Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer is the first rank on the HR team. People with this rank would’ve had to undergo a trial before being officially placed in this position. Chief Operating Officers don’t have the same abilities and privileges as our other executive ranks, but they still play an important role in the group.

Chief Administrative Officer
Chief Administrative Officer is the second rank on the HR team. People with this rank have a lot more responsibilities, and work closely with our Board of Directors and other executive ranks.

Board of Directors
Board of Directors is the highest rank on the HR team, and oversees and leads each of our departments. These people work closely with the Ownership team and other ranks on the HR team.

Vice Chairperson - Chairperson
Our Vice Chairperson and Chairperson ranks work very closely with each other, as well as with our Co-Founder and Founder. These ranks are in charge of monitoring the group as a whole, as well as our entire HR team. From time to time, they assist with testing our experiences.

Developer - Lead Developer
Our Developers and Lead Developer work on all development related matters. They work on building, scripting and designing our restaurant and other group experiences, as well as introducing a wide variety of unique and awesome updates for our community.

Co Founder - Founder
The Co Founder and Founder are the highest ranks amongst the entirety of the group. These people work on monitoring the group as a whole, ensuring that the daily operations that are taking place are running smoothly and that the group is consistently growing and upholding a welcoming and inclusive community. Both these ranks also assist with development related matters and testing.

Shift Leader Promotions

Shift Leaders can be promoted to Assistant Supervisor in two main ways.

This process provides an opportunity for Shift Leaders to apply for Assistant Supervisor and go through a rigorous training program that could help them in joining the MR team.

This process provides an opportunity for Shift Leaders to be promoted straight to Assistant Supervisor without having to apply, due to their consistent activity, hard work and dedication towards the group. Anyone who is promoted to this rank must still go through the MR training process.

Training Times

Training sessions here at Harú Hibachi are hosted during the following times:

  • 2 AM EST/EDT
  • 6 AM EST/EDT
  • 10 AM EST/EDT
  • 2 PM EST/EDT
  • 6 PM EST/EDT
  • 10 PM EST/EDT

These times may be subject to change in the future. The training times can also be found in our communications server and in the training center.

  • How do I become an MR?
    In order to obtain an MR rank, you must first be a Shift Leader in our group. You should then refer to the “Shift Leader Promotions” section of this handbook, for information on how to become an Assistant Supervisor.

  • When are trainings and shifts hosted?
    Trainings are hosted during scheduled times. These times can be found under the “Training Times” section of this handbook. Shifts are hosted at the restaurant by our middle ranks, at random times.

  • How do I work here?
    Upon joining the group, you will need to take the Trainee application, and pass with at least 80%. You will then need to attend trainings and/or shifts to be promoted further.

  • What do I do if there’s a problem in game, but there’s no MR+ there to assist?
    If this is ever the case, you should first try and contact an MR+ via our communications server. If you aren’t able to join the communications server, then you can contact an MR+ via the group wall. If nobody responds, you can create a support ticket or DM a Corporate Assistant+.

  • Where can I find the Serving Guide?
    You can find the Serving Guide here.

We appreciate you taking the time to read over our handbook. Please do not hesitate to ask or chat with any staff member if you have any further inquiries or concerns regarding any of the information in this manual; they will be more than happy to assist you.

Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions you may have for material to be included in this manual, and we will make any modifications that are deemed necessary.

Harú Management

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