Hard but simple scripting challenges

I want a challenge to test my skills but don’t make it too complex just a quick game idea for my skills.

a store menu that saves? so you press a button to open a store and anything you buy saves.


a follower system where you can make an npc follow you and then if you dont want them to follow you then they stop following

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I love anything related to web services like heroku and firebase. You should try making something with those.

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Why don’t you try to make a character shop?

It Should Have:-
* Buying Characters

  • Inventory for characters
  • Saving Your Equipped Character

Terrain generation would make a decent challenge, since it can be implemented in the most simple way, yet offer enough complexity to drown any scripter. You can start with aligning parts along a 3D sine wave and work your way towards using Perlin Noise. Then you can implement

  • biomes
  • caves
  • camera-centered loading
  • player interactivity (mining blocks for example)
  • planets (LOL, super hard)
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bézier curves.
also im not sure whats a “hard but simple challenge”

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Complex pathfinding with climbing/swimming/seeking. I need not say more.

If you can, add a “crouching” feature where the NPC can viably get through holes in walls.

A block that changes the time of day