Hard to create new connections with developers that aren’t on my friends list

A while ago, the change was announced that non-friends who view your profile will not be able to see your last online/online status; as opposed to a manual offline mode. This was done to protect user’s privacy, but no choice was given to the user.

I believe that it would be better to separate these into settings, at least for >13 users, which would make everybody involved happy. Keep in mind this is just my proposed solution to the problem and may be flawed in some areas. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas or if I messed something up.

Who Can See When I Am Online? Who Can See If I Am In An Experience? Who can see when I am in Studio? Who can see when I was Last Online?
(any setting from “Who can join me in experiences?”, hopefully, we can make a list of people in the future) ditto ditto ditto
(Overrides the “Who can join me in experiences?” setting, if this is set to no-one, for example, this will prevent anyone from joining you without changing the “Who can join me in experiences?” setting. Seperate from the “Who Can See When I Am Online?” setting. People will be able to see you online when you are in-game but not otherwise. Ditto, overrides the join setting. If enabled, there will be an option to show what game you’re creating, preferably separate from this option (In case someone wants to, for example, show they are in studio to everyone, but what they’re working on to friends.) (e.g Who can see what game I’m making?). Also useful since studio loves to override the in-experience status. If “Who Can See When I Am Online?” is set to something the user cannot see, it will display when that setting was last set to something they can see. For example, when set to No One, it will display when it was last set to Everyone.

If these were changed into settings, it would benefit people who don’t want this information visible, as they can turn it off (and also, as it is visible to friends by default, some people don’t want that), and it would benefit people who do want this information visible, meaning nobody’s privacy is invaded. Some notable use-cases for wanting this information to be visible in this topic. TL;DR trading, finding developers, archiving information on old/inactive accounts

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience as I’d be able to see if non-friended developers were actually active on the website.

Here's some other (or similar!) popular use-cases for this feature.