Their is a problem which comes into my game anonymously, these scripts have virus inside and I am not sure why they come here…
I would want to achieve my game not having exploit scripts which come into my game anonymously?
I am having some very annoying issues in my game due to the “Creator” and “Handler” scripts coming into my game anonymously. Include screenshots / videos if possible!
I have tried script detectors but they do archive it but however I want to see this happen which can remove the scripts automatically instead of doing it manually every time, although this was quite an old error, possibly it forces players to go into quick loads as these games contain a high rate of virus and their is intention that your account could be compromised or hacked. !
These are dodgy scripts which come into my studio game continuously when I enter my project at all times, here are some evidence and what could happen:
Some Lua pictures, I know 1 is a hidden script but surprisingly 1 of them won’t show the full script as its a require section.
These are usually from either bootleg plugins or from inserting infected models from the toolbox. They will have them inside the model, which will insert them and will allow exploiters to gain access to your game as basically stated above.
Pretty much, some plugins do hold a heavy malicious exploits could fly into the game, Im going to try a plugin as it encounters every place I enter when I do studio work.
The “Creator” script you’ve shown above displays a credit message above a player named “3UL4”. It displays with the text “Shader-Plugin Creator”. It could have more code off to the side that’s hidden, I’m not sure, but the “Handler” script definitely is malicious. It contains a require call with an id. That id is essentially some script uploaded to Roblox. You can view the script by finding the asset by it’s id, but it’s most likely malicious if they’re doing this, because they can change what code runs in that module at any time they want.
As other’s have stated, this is most likely due to some plugin you have installed. Bots often reupload other’s plugins after inserting code like this as a way to gain access to a wide variety of games.
Probably the more dislikes the plugin uses, the more virus it contains, however I managed to stop the creator code but im going to figure out the handler one how to get rid of it, Ill sneak up to my models if they contain virus etc and plugins.