Harmless explosion?

Hello devs! So I am working on VSB script and I need to make harmless explosion that doesn’t kill or break parts, so it’s some sort of decoration thingy, is there a way to do this?

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Set the DestroyJointRadiusPercent on the Explosion to 0, and the ExplosionType to Enum.ExplosionType.NoCraters.

You can create an explosion instance with a BlastPressure of 0 and BlastRadius of 0.

Harmless is no fun haha
But I like the idea for decoration, haven’t seen that much at all!

Yeah, my script is supposed to yeet people and then make decor explosion when yeet ends, and same thing happens when player dies.

Now that sounds fun again, nothing better than seeing a few people get yeeted

I think this isn’t Discord to communicate xd.

Like @KdudeDev said, set the Explosion | Roblox Creator Documentation to 0 and Explosion | Roblox Creator Documentation to Enum.ExplosionType.NoCraters, though for no damage you need to set the Explosion | Roblox Creator Documentation to 0, this has nothing to do with visuals as it states.

“This property determines the radius of the Explosion, in studs. This radius determines the area of effect of the explosion, not the size of the explosion’s visuals.”

Basically changing the BlastRadius to 0 should do the trick, though to be sure I suggest you change the 2 other values as well.

Now for visuals you can change the Explosion | Roblox Creator Documentation, if I am correct this determines the speed of the circle around the explosion.

Else if you want to yeet people if I am correct you need to possibly god the players, else keep the BlastRadius above 0.

Another way is to find all the players within a certain proximity and yeet them.